Thanks for Joining!

Welcome to the Kandy Apple Mama Family!

You’ve taken the first step toward a better and brighter future for you and your little ones.

Whether your goal is to be a better parent, learn how to co-parent, become a more successful adult, raise your children to be brilliant and successful, or to just have fun – Kandy Apple Mama is here to help you on your journey! And we’re so happy to have you. 🙂

If you haven’t done so already, now would be a perfect time to check out KAM’s About page to learn more.


Weekly Newsletter

Since you’re now a member, you’ll be receiving our weekly newsletter every Saturday morning.  These emails will include what’s new on the blog, links to the past week’s posts, the scoop on current contests and giveaways, exclusive coupon codes for popular brands, as well as helpful tips and words of encouragement.

As a community striving to always learn and grow, we are all here for each other. If you need a helping hand, let it be known! Life is not meant to be lived in isolation. Contact the KAM team here.


Share the Love!

If you enjoy the content we create, chances are your friends and family will too! Be sure to share your favorite posts and pages from Kandy Apple Mama on your social media so that others can enjoy our tips, tutorials, and advice right along with you.

Our community works best when we all work together and share positivity. We welcome all women and mamas, and never want to be stingy with who’s allowed to join!

If you believe in our principles and focus, then we ask that you help us in our quest to help as many mamas as possible!

So share share share! (And thank you in advance!!!)


Connecting Further

Want to connect with us further? You can also find our team on social media! Connect with us here:

Facebook * Instagram * Pinterest * Twitter


Thank you again and WELCOME to the KAM Fam!