Do you wish stepparenting came with a training manual?​

I see you, stepmom.

You’re burned out, stressed out, and struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This isn’t what you signed up for.

Stepparenting is SO hard. It’s not an intuitive role.

But what if you had practical strategies, tips, and tools to feel prepared for being a stepmom?

What if you could take the guesswork out of it?

What if you felt equipped to navigate any challenge stepmom life throws at you?

That’s exactly what the Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt, a bundle of 21 resources crafted to help you live the peaceful, happy stepmom life of your dreams, was built for.

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Introducing the Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt!

Design the stepmom role you want, strengthen your couple relationship, explore the path to peace and happiness, learn strategies to successfully navigate holidays, and develop time- and sanity-saving skills for home management.

Until February 24th ONLY, receive access to all 21 resources for only $99 total!

9 eBooks
4 Courses
3 Printables
2 Workshops
1 App Subscription
1 Meditation
1 Email Series

$1,299 value

Only $99 value

I never would’ve been able to believe that the Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt could be any better than it was last year but Kristen really knocked it out of the park this year! In addition to some of my absolute favorite resources like ANOTHER Home Organization Binder (I can’t get enough of those!) this year’s toolbelt comes with resources like “Path to Stepmom Peace” which, in these uncertain times, I need more than ever! Not to mention a subscription to the brand-new Stepmomz app!! That’s just the beginning, there are 20 incredibly useful and supportive resources to help us stepmoms be our absolute best selves and at such an AMAZING discount; it’s hard to pass up!

Kate S

The Toolbelt is exactly that, support and helpful Stepmomming tools right there when you need them. I had purchased the 2019 Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt mainly for the tips on how to be more organized. The calendars and grocery lists were very useful and exactly what I needed at the time. A couple months later, my husband and I found ourselves in a custody switch where my stepson would be living with us full-time and we had no idea what our next steps were. I was looking through my Toolbelt and found all the information we needed in revising our custody agreement. This Toolbelt will help you in every part of your life. Parenting tips, Stepmomming tips, how to organize your life, and what to do in stressful situations where you know nothing about until it happens to you. I keep my Toolbelt in a binder I made for myself and I’ll always have it for the next thing that pops up in my life. It’s definitely worth the price by tenfold.
Megan K


3 Principles of Happy Women Course by VIP Stepmom ($49 value)
14 Days to a Spotless House Course by The Stay Sane Mom ($37 value)
A 30 Day Path to Stepmom Peace by The Inclusive Stepmom ($19.99 value)
A Stepmom’s Guide to Anxiety and Depression by StepMom Magazine ($14.99 value)
A Stepmom’s Guide to Sex and Intimacy by StepMom Magazine ($14.99 value)
A Stepmom’s Guide to Stepfamily Holidays by StepMom Magazine ($19.99 value)
Beginner’s Guide to Working Out At-Home by Live Thrive Grow ($27 value)
Child Custody Court Binder by Stepmomming ($27 value)
DTH Academy, Foundations Workshop by Design This House ($297 value)
Easier Than Takeout Course by More Mommy Moments ($87 value)
Finding Balance eBook by The Intuitive Stepmom ($22 value)
Healing from Your Partner’s Past Workshop by Stepqueen ($247 value)
How to Add an Ours Baby to Your Stepfamily Without Letting Resentment Get in the Way eBook by Not Just a Stepmom ($12.99 value)
Step(Mom): A Dual Memoir eBook by Gipford Moms ($10 value)
Stepmom Starter Kit by This Custom Life ($49 value)
Stepmomz App 1-Month Subscription ($9.99 value)
Stepmomz App 1-Month Subscription ($9.99 value)
The Ultimate Guide to Home Organization by Design This House ($35 value)
The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Navigating Difficult Conversations with your Partner eBook by Successful Stepcoupling ($15 value)
“To the Childless Stepmom on Mother’s Day” Email Series by Stepmomming ($17 value)
Ultimate Home Organizing Bundle by One Detailed Mama ($9 value)

$1,045.94 value

ALL FOR $99!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Past Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt Bundles

Each year’s bundle is unique! Take a look at past Toolbelts!

2019 Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt

2018 Successful Stepmom’s Toolbelt

Are you ready for your “stepmom handbook”?

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