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Why You Shouldn’t Plan Your Life Around a Custody Schedule
I used to let the custody schedule dictate our lives. I would decline invitations to adult get-togethers that fell on…
Children’s Books About Divorce & Stepfamilies
One of the very best ways to help children understand the massive change in their lives as a result of…
Why Parallel Parenting was My Only Option
Before I became a stepmom, I had a very clear image of what life would be like. I imagined group…
How to Decide on a 60/40 Custody Schedule
Deciding on which 60/40 custody schedule is best for your family is a MAJOR decision. Your family will be living…
Stepkids and Cell Phones
This Christmas, we finally gave in and got my 11-year-old stepdaughter a Gabb cell phone. She’s been begging us for…
When Your Stepchild’s Other Home has Different Rules
Last week, I had a meeting with a coaching client who was simply fed up with the different expectations and…