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Let’s Talk About Money, Stepmom!
Let’s get straight to the point—knowing how to talk about money is one of the most important skills for you…
3 Things about Blended Family Wills You Need to Know (sooner rather than later)
Though I’m a divorce and family law attorney, I occasionally draft simple wills for my prior clients, particularly after divorce…
Combining Finances in a Stepfamily: Should I Bank Jointly with my Partner?
Deciding whether or not to combine finances with your partner is a huge decision. There are so many factors that…
Take Back YOUR Cash by Learning How to Save Money on Everyday Bills
Visualize what an extra $100 per month could do for your family. We believe that between all of the strategies for…
MASTER your Budget and Take Charge of Your Future
Do you find yourself counting coins to buy enough groceries for the week? Do you struggle to pay the monthly bills? Ever encounter…
What is Credit Anyway? Setting Yourself Up for Financial Success
So what is credit, anyway? How many times have you Googled a question related to your score, report, or credit cards?…