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Overcoming the Urge to Overcompensate During Our Custodial Time
I’m a recovering “overcompensator” when it comes to spending time with my stepdaughter. When she was younger, I used to…
Most Important Step for New Stepmoms
I was helping my then-boyfriend (now husband) unpack his belongings at his new house. Fully self-aware, I knew I’d be…
Why my Stepson’s Baby Pictures made me Uncomfortable
As many others, becoming a stepmom has forced me to face a number of my inner demons. I’ve discovered insecurities…
Experiencing an Identity Crisis as a Childless Stepmom
I had sold my home to move in with my then-fiance/now-husband and his daughter in his hometown, a town I…
To the Childless Stepmom Trying to Conceive: May you Find Hope!
To the childless stepmom trying to conceive… I am here for you. This is my story. Our journey together began…
How I Became an Instant Boy Mom: The Journey of a Stepmom
This week I caught myself saying, “Boys! Turn on the light so you don’t pee on each other!” This is…