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Why we Hosted a Joint Birthday Party at a Hotel (Feat. Gaylord Texan)
Can I be honest and share that every year when Krista’s birthday rolls around, I get a little nervous? Should…
Everything You Need for a Make Your Own Pizza Bar
Have you ever struggled to find the perfect “edge” for a party you’re hosting? You don’t want to serve the…
50 Gifts that Speak Your Partner’s Love Language
Finding gifts that speak your partner’s love language can be hard! Think about it… When was the last time you…
Co-parenting Firsts: How We Threw our Daughter a JOINT Birthday Party
This year, for K’s 7th birthday, our family (our entire co-parenting family, that is) decided to tackle a new step…
How we Threw the BEST Science Birthday Party – with Mad Science!
This year, Kristen and I put together K’s birthday party – together! Yep. Our first joint birthday party for K!…