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When You Feel Jealous of the Ex and Their Life Before You
It felt like my then-boyfriend (now-husband) lived an entire life before he met me. He had joined the military, married,…
Why my Stepson’s Baby Pictures made me Uncomfortable
As many others, becoming a stepmom has forced me to face a number of my inner demons. I’ve discovered insecurities…
Heartbreaking Words for a Stepmom to Hear
“I wish my Mommy and Daddy were still together. You and my stepdad could be like my aunt and uncle,…
Second Wife Syndrome: Comparison is the Killer of Joy
Have you vacationed there with her? Was that your picnic basket you used as a family? Is that somewhere you…
Stepmom Insecurities: It Takes a Village
Everyone knows that it takes a village to raise a child. One thing that we stepmoms know is that despite…
The Best Stepmom Advice You’re Not Taking
Thinking back, I don’t remember the exact verbiage, but I’ll never forget the way that text made me feel. I…