If you’re involved in blended family communities on Facebook, like Stepmomming Ain’t Easy, I’m sure you’ve seen dozens of stepmom group abbreviations. When you first join, it can feel like you’re learning a new language! Hopefully this list helps you catch on more quickly than I did!
BD: Biological Dad/Birth Dad or Biological Daughter (usually followed with age as a number)
BF: Boyfriend or Biological Father/Birth Father
BIL: Brother-In-Law
BM: Biological Mom/Birth Mom
BS: Biological Son (usually followed with age as a number)
CA: Custody Agreement
CO: Court Order
CP: Custodial Parent
CPS: Child Protective Services
CS: Child Support
DF: Dear Fiancé
DH: Dear Husband
DIL: Daughter-In-Law
DW: Dear Wife
EOW: Every Other Week
EOWE: Every Other Weekend
EX: Ex-wife or Ex-girlfriend
FFIL: Future Father-In-Law
FH: Future Husband
FIL: Father-In-Law
FMIL: Future Mother-In-Law
FSD: Future Stepdaughter
FSS: Future Stepson
GAL: Guardian Ad Litem
HCBD: High Conflict Birth/Biological Dad
HCBM: High Conflict Birth/Biological Mom
HCSF: High Conflict Stepfather
HCSM: High Conflict Stepmother
IMHO: In My Humble/Honest Opinion
IMO: In My Opinion
MIL: Mother-In-Law
NCP: Non-Custodial Parent
NSMR: Not Stepmom Related
OH: Other Half
OP: Original Poster
PAS: Parental Alienation Syndrome
SAHM: Stay-At-Home Mom
SAHSM: Stay-At-Home Stepmom
SC: Stepchildren
SD: Stepdaughter (Usually followed by age as a number) or Stepdad
SF: Stepfather
SIL: Sister-In-Law
SK: Stepkids
SM: Stepmom
SO: Significant Other
SS: Stepson (Usually followed by age as a number)
TIL: Today I Learned
XBIL: Ex Brother-In-Law
XFIL: Ex Father-In-Law
XMIL: Ex Mother-In-Law
XSIL: Ex Sister-In-Law
XP: Cross-Posted in Other Groups
Hope this helps! Happy posting!