Are you ready to stop fighting with the ex… and start CO-parenting? Whether you’re a biological or stepparent, working together with other parents to raise a child can be difficult. But we’re here to show you it can be done!~
#1. What is CO-PARENTING?
“By definition, co-parenting merely means “to share the duties of parenting a child”. In reality, this word means so much more. It’s not only the participation of parenting, it’s when a family splits in two, and can still mutually and beneficially work together in raising their child in a more positive way.”
Read more from I have a Dream… of Co-parenting Success
Parents everywhere often have trouble working together to parent their child after a difficult split. Yelling, arguing, manipulating, misunderstanding, using your child as a pawn, threatening to take your child away, allowing visitation only after child support has been paid, brainwashing your children to hate the other parent, criticizing the other parent’s behavior when talking to your child…
There’s a long list of mistakes parents (step and biological alike!) make when parenting after divorce.
Because as hard as parenting may be, parenting with another household is even harder.
That’s where co-parenting comes in.
By working alongside and co-parenting with the ex, you’re putting your CHILD’S needs before your own and setting them up for success! Co-parenting can help a split family nurture their child into happier, well-rounded, emotionally mature adults.
The stigma around divorce, stepparenting, and the potential negative side effects on children are known far and wide.
But children of divorce don’t have to be doomed to experience behavioral problems, academic difficulties, psychological and relationship issues. There is another way.
The conflict between mom and stepmom is the source of rumors across the world. Mom and stepmom are perceived as enemies and constantly at odds in the parenting dynamic. But what if Mom and Stepmom could play on the same team?
What if I told you that you could follow the advice in this book to work toward PEACE? Peace as a co-parenting mom or stepmom? Peace WITH the other mom in your child’s life?
#2. Why is it IMPORTANT?
Co-parenting is one of the best ways to help your children not only get through the crisis of divorce, but also to thrive and grow after it. When parents work together and focus on what’s best for their kids, children aren’t the only ones who benefit.
When families are able to co-parent successfully, it:
- Increases a child’s sense of security.
- Fosters happier marriages and minimizes the risk of divorce in second marriage.
- Reduces stress on everyone involved.
- Puts the child at ease knowing his or her parents are on the same team.
- Develops a greater network of adults the child can depend on.
- Allows parents to model respectful conflict resolution skills.
- Improves communication between parents, and improves their relationships.
- Decreases conflict and improves the entire parenting experience.
These are the kind of benefits we want for all families and children after divorce.
And we are here to help you get there.
#3. How can I become a CO-PARENTING CHAMPION?
To help you learn to co-parent successfully, we created:
The Becoming a Co-Parenting Champion eBook
The Becoming a Co-Parenting Champion eBook is a free downloadable book designed to help parents learn more about co-parenting, stop making common mistakes that contribute to the problems, and develop stronger, healthier relationships with their child’s other parents – all in order to raise their child in a happier, healthier way.
This book will help you open your heart to something so rewarding, help you set change in motion, and push you to end the behaviors that are keeping you from becoming a co-parenting champion. We’ll help you let go of the hurt and embrace the partnership that parenting was designed to be, no matter your family dynamic.
Before co-parenting, our family’s dynamic was anything but positive.
We couldn’t get along long enough to have a serious conversation—let alone parent together. We were constantly misunderstanding each other, disagreed on everything, threatened each other, and used time with our daughter against one another.
I never thought we’d be able to co-parent!
But once we took the first steps toward a healthier relationship and focused on putting our daughter first, suddenly co-parenting became our norm.
Now, we’re working together for the sake of our daughter.
If an important event or fun party is coming up that falls on the other parent’s days, we’re able to let the other side know we think our daughter would enjoy it. Most of the time we’re able to come to a compromise that benefits both sides while allowing K to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Whenever one of us is especially missing our daughter when she’s at her other house, we never have a problem letting her FaceTime the other parent.
When K has a school program to go to or a dance recital to perform, all four of us show up and sit together.
We openly discuss parenting topics and how to approach certain subjects.
This year, we even joined together to throw Krista the best birthday party ever!
This is the kind of success we want for you and your family
– co-parenting success.
So, to help our fellow divorcées and stepparents having to push past the hurt or anger and work on getting along, this book is for you, dear friend.
In the Becoming a Co-Parenting Champion eBook, we’ll guide you through the steps that will start you on your journey
In this must-have guide, you’ll learn all about:
- Our post-divorce experience and problems we were facing.
- Opening up the lines of communication and other ways to improve relationships.
- How we parent as co-parenting champions and what it took to get here.
- Why putting your children first will always be your best course of action.
- The biggest mistakes you’re making and how to change them.
- Tips and first steps you can take to lead you down the co-parenting path.
- Addressing controversial questions – from custody to parenting with a narcissist.
And much more.
Sign up to secure your copy of the book and start your co-parenting journey today!
What are parents saying about the Becoming a Co-Parenting Champion eBook?
“I completed your [book] a couple weeks ago. The bio mom in our case was uninterested, and is super high conflict… There has always been trying on both my husband’s and my part, and the desire for us to all be a family unit. I have attended multiple classes, different parenting classes, the children in separation and divorce classes, and none helped me as much as your challenge. For the first time in four years, since I married my husband, I have peace. My peace doesn’t come from things working out with her, because I honestly don’t believe she will ever reach that point. Your challenge brought me to a level of self reflection, and freed me from a lot of weight I have been carrying around. …it was a totally different viewpoint from any other class we’ve taken, which basically taught what to do to avoid conflict, but [they weren’t] child centered. You guys gave me the tools to really change the direction of my household and parenting for me. …I am so thankful I took your challenge.”
– Heather R.