Whether you’re new to stepmomming or a seasoned veteran, there are times when you just need to know you’re not alone. You could have the world’s most attentive husband, the best relationship with your stepchild’s mom, and the best friends on the planet, but some days, they just won’t do. They don’t get it.
Luckily we live in a digital age that allows us to build relationships with other stepmoms no matter the distance. It also allows us access to dozens of resources at our fingertips. You may not have had any idea what you were getting into when you committed to stepmotherhood, but we’re all figuring it out together.
We’re a tribe of fierce stepmoms, and we’ve got each others’ backs. Whether you’re seeking daily inspiration or just need to know where to go when things get tough, go through this list and I am certain you’ll find the encouragement and help you’re seeking.
Best Facebook Pages to Follow for Stepmoms
Stepmomming: Co-Parenting, Blended Family & Stepmom Blog

Stepmom Warrior

The Inclusive Stepmom

StepMom Magazine
Sisterhood of Stepmoms
Stepfamily Magazine
The Happy Stepmom – Aimee Allen

The Pondering Nook
Blended and Black
GradyBird Blog
StepLife – Stepmom Coaching and Support
The Soulful Stepmom
Stepmom Support
The Smart Stepmom
Stepping Through

You’re going to spend boatloads of time on Facebook anyway – why not sprinkle in some stepmom inspiration and guidance while you’re at it?

Can’t wait to hear what you think about these pages! Leave me a note in the comment letting me know your thoughts!

PS: Thought this list was great? You’ll LOVE this list of 15 Free Ways to Improve Your Stepmom Life!