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The Best Resources for Stepmoms

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Unfortunately, there’s no single manual for how to thrive in your role as stepmom; there’s no universal code for stepparenting that contains all of the answers. Despite that fact, there are many resources for stepmoms I’ve found throughout the years that have helped me understand that my struggles are both justified and common.

I am not alone on this journey, and neither are you.

The Best Resources for Stepmoms


These blogs are full of helpful articles and sound advice for helping you through some of the hardest parts of stepparenthood.

The candid, real look at stepmomming in these blogs will help you feel enlightened and empowered.


This Life in Progress

GradyBird Blog

Facebook Pages

There are many Facebook pages dedicated to sharing stepmom articles, stories, and memes. My favorites are listed for you below.

They’re chosen because they’re focused on uplifting and constructive messages, not just venting or bashing. Each of these resources shares a variety of perspectives and provides a well-rounded look at stepparenthood.

Stepmomming with Kristen Skiles

The Inclusive Stepmom

The Pondering Nook

Looking for more? Here are my favorite 22 Facebook pages for stepmoms!

Facebook Groups

I think the most healing for me as a stepmom came when I joined a few communities of stepmoms on Facebook. These women GET IT. They understand my struggles and my insecurities; they’ve been there, and they have valuable tips and tricks to share with me.

Stepmomming Ain’t Easy

Mom/Stepmom Support

I’m a Stepmom… I’m kind of a big Deal

The Joyful Stepmom: A Christian Ministry

Online Magazines

Similar to a blog, but full of advice from a variety of expert contributors, these online magazines are incredible resources for stepmoms.

They combine research with real life and provide actionable tips for coping as a stepmom.

StepMom Magazine

Stepfamily Magazine


I love supplementing my online reading and podcasts with a good book. The book can go more in-depth on topics than the other communications, and it’s usually easier to find reviews on Amazon for a book than it is to know if you’ll like a blog post or podcast episode before beginning. And yet, it’s also more of a time commitment.

No One’s the Bitch

The Single Girl’s Guide to Marrying a Man, His Kids, and His Ex-Wife: Becoming A Stepmother With Humor And Grace

This list barely scratches the surface of the resources out there for stepmoms; here’s a more in-depth list of stepmom books (and for fun, stepmom novels!)


If you’re on your way to work or needing some background noise while you work or workout, these podcasts will educate while you wait! It took me a while to get on the podcast bandwagon, but once I did, there was no going back!

Stepmomming Made Easy

The Stepmom Club

Blended Family Podcast

The Essential Stepmom Podcast

Specific Episodes: I have been interviewed on The Stepmom Club Podcast,  Everything Always Podcast, Blended Family Podcast,  Today’s Eden Podcast, She Lives Podcast, The Jamie Scrimgeour Podcast, and to discuss stepparenting and co-parenting. They’re worth a listen!

No matter the medium, get your hands on some of these resources for stepmoms.

Once you realize you’re not alone and that your feelings and struggles are completely natural, you’ll feel like a brand new woman!

The Only Stepmom Resources You'll Ever Need | Stepmom Podcasts | Stepmom Books | Stepmom Blogs | Stepmom Support Groups | Stepmom Facebook Pages | Stepmom Facebook Groups | Stepmom Help | Stepmom Questions | Stepmom Blogs | Stepmom Resources | Stepmomming

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